Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Seven!

We started this morning by visiting Nazareth, Jesus' home town. (Jesus of Nazareth) What a feeling! Standing in the valley where the Son of God grew up... Under this sky...between these hills... a little five-year old boy, playing in the street with other kids... A teenage boy, working in a dusty carpenter shop... right where we were standing!

We then ascended Mount Carmel. This is the mountain where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, and God answered by fire. This is also the place where the prophet sent his servant to look for rain and he saw a cloud the size of a man's hand. The view is amazing! But even more amazing is looking up into the sky that God's fire had fallen from.

Above: The view from Mount Carmel            
Left: Standing at the peak (Left to right: Josh, Sarah, Danae, Nathan)

Eating with friends from Indiana on the way down from Mount Carmel. (From left to right: Sarah, Heather, Evan, Josh.)

On the Mediterranian shore between Herod the Great's palace and the oval where chariot races were held.

Sarah and Danae eating gelatto (ice cream) in Ceasarea.

Standing in the exact spot the apostle Paul stood when he was tried before Agrippa in Caesarea.

And I'll leave you tonight with one more picture I took on the sandy shore of the Mediterranean late this afternoon...

Thanks for checking the blog! Love all of you.
- Josh


  1. Dear Sarah and Josh,
    Wow! What can I say? I think you guys could make someone who had no interest in going want to go! I can's wait to see all your pics and hear all your stories! Thank you so much for updating the blog. It means more than you know.
    I love you so much! Your sis, Anna Belle

  2. Wow that last picture is breath-taking!! It is so beautiful there. Be safe, have a great time, and see ya soon!! April

  3. beautiful! i'm almost sad for you guys to come home (no more blog entries!) LOL
    just kidding!
    can't wait to hear all your stories!

  4. Thank you for the great pictures. I am reliving the trip as I look. It is something I will never forget. And you guys made it even better.
