Monday, March 1, 2010


Hey everyone!
It's 3:16am here in Petra... I'm sitting in the darkened lobby of the Panorama Hotel in the country of Jordan.
Our overnight flight arrived in Istanbul two hours late this morning around 11:30am local time... We were to have an 8 hour layover before our connecting flight to Amman, Jordan. Rather, than sitting in the airport for 8 hours, we got a one day visa and toured the amazing city of Istanbul, Turkey. We got some great pictures. We'll give you a full blog report on it tomorrow...
After a three hour connecting flight to the outskirts of Amman, Jordan, we took a three hour bus ride into the hills of Petra, where we are staying tonight and tomorrow night.
Please forgive me if my thoughts and spelling are somewhat random... It's 7:26pm there at home, but it's the middle of the night here...and jet lag is definately started to set in! Nothing confuses you and wears you out like 17 hours of flying on three different planes, two AirTram rides, a subway ride, four different buses, five hours of driving, and an 8 hour time zone change!!!
But despite all of that, we are absolutley having a blast and enjoying every moment!
We'll be here in Petra for the next two nights. Tomorrow we tour this amazing eighth wonder of the world...and we will add horseback to our list of transportation modes!
Our day begins in less than five hours, so I'm gonna get a shower and a few hours sleep!

Touring this amazing world just renews in my heart the understanding of the awesomeness of our God!
He has been faithful in every aspect of the trip so far...we're having a great time, but missing you all. Keep us in your prayers.
We love and miss you all!



  1. Thanks for taking the time to post, Josh. It was awesome to hear from you! I'm missing y'all tons! But I'm so glad y'all have the chance to experience this. I love you! And you are in my prayers!
    Love your sister,
    Anna Belle

  2. Hope everything is going great, and i am sure yall are having a great time. I will be waiting to see pictures of those famous holy land golf courses. Have a great trip


  3. Praying for your trip. Love you guys.
